
Pasta with sausage and rape broccoli

An original mix of ingredients for a new pasta sauce!

Persons: 2/3 (it depends how hungry you are)
Time of preparation: 20 min

200 gr pasta (short pasta like penne is better)
1 Italian sausage
100 gr of rape broccoli
some black olives
olive oil

  1. Add water in a big pan for pasta, when it starts to boil, add pasta and salt.
  2. In another pan add a table spoon of olive oil and the garlic.
  3. Leave it for 30 second then add the rape broccoli that you have previously washed and chopped, the sausage in small pieces and black olives.
  4. Cook for 15 minutes.
  5. When the pasta is ready, add the pasta in the pan with the sauce. Let it cooks for one more minute.
  6. If you think that the sauce is too dry, use 1/4 cup of the water from the pasta.

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